Big arrangement: Red pointsettia, orchids, decoration, Lindt choclates
Pay in three equal instalments 3 x 21,67 €
65,00 €
Uhke jõuluseade. Keskmes on ilus punane jõulutäht, mida kaunistavad nulu oksad, orhidee õied, marjad, käbid, jõulukuulid jms. Okste vahele puistatud Lindti shokolaadikomme
Aluse läbimõõt u 40x30cm
Orders for the same day accepted until 14.00 from M-F. Delivery in 3 hours.
Delivery within Tallinn 6,50 €
Near Tallinn, delivery costs start from 9,90 €
Orders for the same day accepted until 14.00 from M-F. Delivery in 3 hours.
Delivery within Tallinn 6,50 €
Near Tallinn, delivery costs start from 9,90 €